Draft Golders Green Station Planning Brief

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Added by Simon Munk

Barnet council says:


The council is consulting on the draft Golders Green Station Planning Brief which will help to shape any future development of Golders Green Bus Station and Underground Station, together with the adjoining depot, sidings and immediately surrounding public highways.

We consider the site of Golders Green Station as an opportunity to provide a high quality mixed use development that sensitively integrates an improved public transport interchange within the distinctive historic environment of Golders Green.

The Draft Planning Brief has been produced to ensure that any future development improves transport connectivity and land use integration, respects and enhances Golders Green, creates high quality public realm and supports the success and vibrancy of the town centre.

The Draft Golders Green Station Planning Brief;

Identifies development opportunities and constraints;
Provides guidance;
Sets out key planning policy considerations to establish a clear set of development parameters; and
Outlines the council’s preferred approach to any future development.

Why We Are Consulting

We are consulting on the draft plans to redevelop the site and we want to hear the views of local people on the proposed developments. It is important that residents and other interested parties have their say in planning policy.

Planning Briefs form a material consideration in the consideration of planning applications.

The closing date for us to receive comments and feedback is Thursday 11 May 2017.

The results will then be reported to the Council’s Policy and Resources Committee so that they can be taken into account when the final version of the Planning Brief is being considered for adoption.


May 11th, 2017


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