Things tagged 'lip'

limited to the area of Haringey Cycling Campaign:

2 issues found for 'lip':

  • Barnet LIP

    Created by Simon Still // 2 threads

    The third Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS) was published in March 2018 and sets out a new strategic direction for transport in London. It aims to change the way people choose to travel with an overarching vision for 80% of all trips in London to be made on foot, cycle or using public transport by 2041.

    Each London Borough has to prepare a Local Implementation Plan (LIP) containing proposals for the implementation of the MTS in its area.

    Barnet’s draft LIP includes Barnet’s transport objectives and identifies key local issues, challenges and opportunities to achieving the overarching mode share aim and nine MTS outcomes. It includes a delivery plan that sets out, in broad terms, the proposals and resources that will deliver the LIP objectives and targets associated with indicators related to the MTS outcomes.

    A number of statutory consultees will be specifically invited to comment on the draft LIP, but we want everyone who lives in or visits the borough to have an opportunity to comment too.

    Give us your views

    A copy of the draft LIP is provided here. We would particularly like your views on:

    have the main challenges and opportunities to delivering the MTS vision and outcomes been identified (pages 24-60);
    are the borough transport objectives identified in the document (pages 26-29) suitable for addressing the challenges;
    should the LIP include other major proposals or general areas of work (pages 62-74 & 80-81);
    should any other targets be identified (pages 103-110)
    Please provide your comments by email to link) including LIP3 in the title

    ,or by post FAO Jane Shipman, Re, Floor 11, Barnet House, 1255 High Road, London, N20 0EJ.

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  • Enfield Transport Plan - Local Implementation Plan

    Created by Clare Rogers // 1 thread

    "The Enfield Transport Plan (ETP) outlines what we will do over the next few years to improve those parts of the transport network which the Council is responsible for. Alongside this there will be continuing maintenance and, at the other end of the scale, delivery of strategic projects, such as the new Meridian Water station.

    The core of the ETP is Enfield’s third Local Implementation Plan (LIP), which is a statutory document setting out how the Council proposes to help implement the Mayor of London’s Transport Strategy. The LIP also details how we propose to spend funding received from Transport for London (TfL).

    At the heart of the plan is improving people’s health. Our local priorities reflect this, with a focus on making travel more sustainable, active and safe:

    • Making active travel the natural choice, particularly for those trips less than 2km in length.
    • Making more school trips safe, sustainable and healthy.
    • Reducing the impact of private vehicles on our streets.
    • Making the public transport network more accessible and the
    natural choice for longer trips.
    • Maintaining our assets for the benefit of the public."

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